I’m Approved, What’s Next?
After students receive approval to go abroad from UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA), they will have a lot to do as they start getting ready for their overseas experience. The more prepared students are prior to departure, the more successful they will be abroad.

Confirming Participation
Once a student has submitted an application, it is time to move into the next phase of the study abroad process. Learn more about confirming participation on a study abroad program and the next steps, including Pre-Departure Requirements.

Billing Information
Knowing how costs will be billed will be important as you’re preparing for departure. For example, any fees paid to EA will not appear on your UNC Charlotte student account.

Students will earn UNC Charlotte equivalent credit for any course they take on a credit-bearing study abroad program. It is up to the student to understand the process and work with their academic department(s) prior to departure. Planning in advance is essential to staying on track!

UNC Charlotte Education Abroad’s priority is a student’s health and safety abroad. It is essential for students to prepare for their semester in another country and remain as healthy and safe as possible while abroad, including how the international health insurance and the AlertTraveler mobile app.

Travel and Life abroad
Travel preparation is another vital (and fun!) part of the study abroad experience. All students will need a valid passport to travel internationally. They could also need to apply for a visa. Students should also be thinking about life abroad, including housing and cultural considerations