Study Abroad Ambassadors

Study Abroad Ambassadors are study abroad alumni working with Education Abroad to help you get your questions answered. Please feel free reach out to any of these individuals via email to ask about their experiences, programs, or anything else you’re curious about!

Emma wical

Emma Wical ( is currently a junior at UNC Charlotte studying Sociology, Political Science, and Japanese. She has been to both Japan and Taiwan on spring break programs and is hoping to return to Japan for a semester. She believes that all students, no matter their background or status, should be able to experience the life-changing effects of study abroad and hopes to one day help all students to see the world and make new connections!

makena jordan

MaKena Jordan ( is a senior majoring in Marketing with a concentration in Marketing Analytics and a minor in Communication Studies. She first studied abroad during spring break in 2023, participating in the faculty-led Global Marketing Practicum: France and Croatia. During this program, she traveled through Paris, France, and Dubrovnik, Croatia to understand how the marketing mix operates in two European markets and learn more about the different cultures represented. Her second study abroad trip was also a faculty-led program. The program was the International Career Exploration and Professional Branding in London, England in the summer of 2024. During this trip, she immersed herself in London’s culture while learning how to build her international professional brand and connecting with local London employers. 


Fiona Marshall ( is a senior at UNC Charlotte, double majoring in Public Relations and Environmental Studies. Passionate about combining media with a focus on sustainability, Fiona chose to study abroad in London, England, during the spring semester of her junior year. Through an affiliate program with USAC, she attended London Metropolitan University, where she focused on media communications and explored the vibrant culture of one of the world’s most iconic cities. Fiona is eager to share her experiences and insights with fellow students as a study abroad ambassador, encouraging others to take advantage of this life-changing opportunity. After graduation she is planning to go abroad again and explore more of the world!

annabelle hill

Annabelle Hill ( is a triple major in International Studies, Political Science, and French in her third year at UNC Charlotte. Annabelle first studied abroad the summer following her freshman year on a faculty-led program in Stellenbosch, South Africa where she studied Public Health and Social Justice. Then, in the Spring of her sophomore year, Annabelle studied in the small southwest town of Pau, France in intensive French courses through the affiliate provider USAC. In addition to her courses, while on her semester abroad, Annabelle travelled to Spain, Portugal, the UK, Malta, Morocco, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria. Each place she travelled and lived as part of her study abroad experience, Annabelle gained global friends and newfound confidence. She believes that study abroad can be a life changing reality for all UNC Charlotte students and is excited to help them find the right fit!

Hyatt Kneeley

Hyatt Kneeley ( joined UNC Charlotte in 2020 majoring in International Business and Japanese. He spent a year at Sophia University in Tokyo and is currently planning on going back to Japan as an assistant English teacher after he graduates in 2025. He’s very excited to help students go abroad and have a similar positive experience as the one he once had.

megan reen

Megan Reen ( is a senior studying English-Creative Writing with a minor in International Studies. She studied abroad in Seoul, South Korea during the Fall 2023 semester. With plans to work abroad after graduation, she used her study abroad semester to get immersed in the culture, improve her Korean language skills, and form connections with locals. She has a passion for learning and teaching, especially as it pertains to international education. She wants everyone to be able to experience what the world has to offer, and she is pursuing that hope by being an ambassador for study abroad! 

quint solomon

Quint Solomon ( is a senior majoring in International Business with a minor in Chinese/Mandarin. During the 2024 faculty-led program, Singapore and Malaysia: Innovation and Cultural Dynamics, he traveled to both Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for spring break. He is planning to travel abroad next Summer as well. He believes the cultural experience supports his vision of continued personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world. Quint believes that studying abroad is vital to the lifelong journey of learning and growing. As traveling abroad fosters growth, strengthens understanding and solidifies his ever growing love of other cultures.

ankita tamhane

Ankita Tamhane ( is currently a senior majoring in Psychology and Gender Studies and minoring in Sociology and Child and Family Development. She studied abroad during the Summer of 2024 and did the faculty-led Psychology in the UK program where she learned about mental health in Britain, the history of psychology, and also aspects of British Culture. She had a great experience and would encourage everyone to study abroad and travel! 

osiris lastoria

Osiris Lastoria ( is currently a senior Finance and Accounting student at UNC Charlotte. They studied abroad during the Fall 2022 semester at Hongik University in Seoul, South Korea. They are excited to be a study abroad ambassador to engage with students and answer their questions while sharing their experiences abroad.

andy garcia berny

Andrea, also known as Andy, ( is a senior graduating in 2025. She is majoring in International Studies, and minoring in global education and Japanese. She studied abroad for a year at Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan. Her experience abroad has fueled a newfound passion for global citizenship and helping achieve their goals through study abroad. 

autumn campbell

Autumn Campbell is currently a senior at UNC Charlotte. Autumn transferred to UNC Charlotte in the spring semester of 2023. She studied abroad the spring semester of 2024 in San José, Costa Rica, with the CIS affiliate program at the Universidad de Veritas. Autumn is an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing with a Spanish minor. She intends to graduate in the spring of 2025. She was inspired through study abroad to seek a graduate education abroad. 

rachel o’connor

Rachel O’Connor is currently a senior at UNC Charlotte, majoring in History and minoring in international relations. Rachel studied abroad in the spring of 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland with an affiliate provider CIS Abroad. She attended Edinburgh Napier University and was able to travel throughout Europe with the help of the on-site staff of CIS. Rachel believes that studying abroad can expand a student’s mind and open them to possibilities they couldn’t dream of and that every student should be knowledge on the study abroad process works and how they can make it work for them.