Billing Information

Depending on the program a student chooses, the cost structure will vary and students may be required to submit payments to multiple parties, including their UNC Charlotte student account, UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA), a third-party/affiliate provider, and/or a host university. This page provides an overview of potential expenses paid to EA and instructions on how to submit payment.


All students participating in a study abroad program will be submitting payments to UNC Charlotte through their student account. The type of expense and amount will vary by program type. These fees may include:

  • Education Abroad Admin Fee
  • International Health Insurance

Details on these expenses can be found on the Costs to Consider page.

Other payments, such as the application fee, will be made directly to EA through the application portal.

How to submit payment to EA

There are multiple ways to submit payment to EA. We recommend that students log into their EA application and make payments directly through the payment materials listed. However, some students or their families may need to make a payment through alternate means.

Submitting payment through an application

All payments owed to the EA should be made through the student’s online application within the EA Portal, unless otherwise noted. The student’s EA application will detail the amounts owed, due dates, and instructions for how to pay. Once students are logged into their EA application, they must click on the name of the payment they are trying to make, then a new window will open. Read through the payment instructions listed on this page, and select the ‘Pay Now’ button at the bottom of the page to submit payment. Payments made directly through an EA application will be marked off in the student’s application automatically if the payment went through successfully.

Submitting payment through the ecommerce marketplace site

The EA’s eCommerce MarketPlace site is an alternate method for submitting payment online. Unlike paying directly through an application where the amount due is automatically entered for the payment, this payment gateway requires the payer to insert the exact amount due. This payment method also is not automatic. After submitting payment, the student can expect this payment to be marked off in their EA application usually within 1-3 business days. Please see the instructions below for submitting payment through the eCommerce MarketPlace site:

  • Insert exact payment amount. For questions about your balance, please contact the EA at 704-687-7747 or at
  • Enter the student’s information
    • For ‘Year Requested for Program Term‘ insert the year(s) the student will be abroad
  • Review information and click ‘Complete Registration’
  • Enter email address, payment and billing information on the following pages
  • Review and submit payment

Payment errors

If an error message appears after attempting to submit payment, this means the payment did not go through successfully. If the payer sees this balance on their bank account, it will drop off within the next 3-5 business days. Please read the following instructions for how to successfully submit payment:

  • Call your bank to verify your billing address and spending limit – these are the two most common reasons for payment errors
    • If the payment you are trying to make exceeds your spending limit, ask your bank to lift the hold on your account in order to let the payment go through (most banks will accommodate this request)
  • If the payment failed when submitting directly through an EA application, try submitting payment through our alternate payment site

Paying with check*

Payments can also be made in person (CHHS 256) with a check. Checks must be made payable to UNC Charlotte. To mail a check, please send it to the following address:

UNC Charlotte Education Abroad
9201 University City Blvd.
CHHS 256
Charlotte, NC 28223

*UNC Charlotte Education Abroad is unable to accept cash payments. Students must either pay online through the EA Portal or secure a check or money order to make a payment in person.

Outstanding balances

UNC Charlotte students who do not pay off their balance with EA will have a Registration Hold placed on their UNC Charlotte Student Account. Holds will remain active until balances are paid in full. Once paid, please allow up to three business days for the hold to be removed.

A Registration Hold on a student’s account means:

  • The student cannot add/drop/withdraw from courses at UNC Charlotte
  • For a semester, year, or summer student, EA will not process any grades received from studying abroad until payment is received in full

Non-UNC Charlotte students who participate in a UNC Charlotte program, and owe a balance to EA, will not have their grades sent to their home institution until they have paid in full.

Financial Aid

Once disbursed, aid is not automatically sent to EA. It goes through a student’s UNC Charlotte Student Account. If the student has a balance on his/her UNC Charlotte Student Account (tuition and fees, library fee, etc.), his/her aid will be deducted to pay for these charges first. Anything remaining will be refunded to the student via direct deposit or a mailed check. Once students receive their aid, it is their responsibility to pay off any balances owed to the EA/affiliate provider/host institution. Students who do not pay after receiving their aid, will have a hold put on their student account.

If students have a balance with an affiliate provider or host university, they will need to contact them directly about deferral of payments.

Please read the UNC Charlotte Education Abroad Collection of Overdue Accounts Policy for additional information.