FAQs for Application Process
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This depends on the program type:
- UNC Charlotte Exchange: Students apply to their first choice host university and are able to list a back up university (from the list of UNC Charlotte exchange partners) in their application
- Statewide Exchange: Students apply to their first choice host university and are able to list a back up university (from the list of BW/NC host universities) in their application
- ISEP Exchange: Students apply to their first choice host university and are able to list up to nine additional back up universities (from the list of ISEP exchange partners) in their application in priority order
- Affiliate Provider, Direct Enrollment, Internships Abroad: Students are only eligible to apply to one affiliate provider program for the term they go abroad. This is for the student’s benefit, as all affiliate providers charge application fees that are a few hundred dollars
- Faculty-Led: Students can apply to multiple programs, but whether or not they may participate in more than one in a given term depends on the program dates. Students will pay a non-refundable application fee for each application they submit
It depends on which term you’re looking to go abroad. Note that if a program brochure indicates, “this program is currently not accepting applications,” we are not yet accepting applications for that term, or the application deadline has passed. Exchange, affiliate provider, and direct enrollment programs are almost always offered semester to semester, but faculty-led program offerings typically vary each year. EA recommends waiting for the application cycle to open for all programs before applying, so you can evaluate all of your options. We post updates on application openings on our homepage and on the Announcements page.
All EA applications will require:
- An application fee
- Official or unofficial UNC Charlotte transcript
- Personal statement
- Disciplinary record check (automatically checked by the Dean of Students at time of submission)
- Documents that applicants must electronically sign stating their understanding and agreement to EA procedures and policies
Some EA applications may require (varies by program):
- 1-2 academic letters of recommendation
- Foreign language evaluation
- Interview
Deadlines vary by term and program. Refer to our application deadlines page for general timelines and be sure to check the online program brochure for the specific deadline.
If you meet the EA eligibility requirements, as well as the program requirements, there is a good chance you will be approved to participate in the program. However, depending on the program type and if there are limited spots available, even students who meet the eligibility requirements may not be approved to participate. In this case, students are able to select another program to apply for. If an applicant does not meet the EA and program eligibility requirements, they will likely not be approved. This is evaluated on a case by case basis.
Approval and review timelines will vary by program type. Many of our programs offer rolling admissions and you can expect to hear from EA within a couple weeks of submitting your application. However, some programs require supplemental applications to a host institution or provider, and official acceptances from those organizations may take longer. Please visit the Deadlines and Approval Timelines section of this site for more information.