Student Travel Registrations

All UNC Charlotte students who travel abroad under the auspices of UNC Charlotte and who are not receiving academic credit (or traveling in relation to a course they are currently enrolled in) are required to register their travel with UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA). Registrations are independent from credited study abroad programming and are only available to students completing specific types of international travel, either as an individual or as part of a group.

Through the Travel Registration processes with EA, students will have access to a variety of EA services, pre-departure resources, access to international health insurance and emergency support, to include the following:

  • Collection of program & travel information in EA Portal
  • Risk Management and Mitigation while abroad, including crisis support
  • Enrollment in international health insurance, as required by the UNC System Office
  • Access to Pre-Departure modules through Canvas covering health and safety, how to utilize health insurance and other international travel resources

Registration Program Types

Examples of Travel Registrations may include international conferences, non-credit internships, volunteering abroad, research abroad, or athletic team travel.

Individual Registrations

Students who are traveling independently as a UNC Charlotte student for an international conference, non-credit internship, volunteering, research, or other experiential non-credit overseas experience are required to complete an Individual International Travel Registration.

Group Registrations

Group registrations refer to students traveling as part of a group sponsored by a UNC Charlotte department or organization. They are typically led by a UNC Charlotte faculty or staff member from an academic department or organization on campus.


Before reviewing the costs specifically associated with Registration programs, students should familiarize themselves with the Costs to Consider and Financial Planning sections of EA website. Each applicant will submit a registration fee which includes minimal EA services and mandatory international health insurance. The registration fee is $50 per 30 days (or any part thereof) that the student is abroad. All other fees for the international travel are the responsibility of the student and will vary.


Students should reference the Can I Get Credit? and Earning Credit Abroad sections of EA website to understand how credit works on study abroad programs and academic policies.

The majority of students who complete a travel registration are not receiving academic credit. Students who are participating in an international program and are not eligible to receive academic credit (i.e. conferences, independent research, workshops, etc.) or who have opted out of receiving academic credit (i.e. internship or volunteer abroad opportunity) will complete a Travel Registration.

An exception may be possible if your academic department dictates that the only way a student can receive academic credit for an international experiential learning opportunity is to enroll in an online UNC Charlotte course while abroad. This means the student would pay tuition & fees to Student Accounts at UNC Charlotte for that course(s) in addition to the fees indicated in the cost structure above. In this circumstance, students will complete a Travel Registration with UNC Charlotte Education Abroad in place of a Study Abroad Application.

registration process

The registration process will vary depending on if the student is traveling as an individual, or as part of a group led by a UNC Charlotte faculty or staff member.

EA Application Review and Approval Process

First, EA will determine if the student meets the general eligibility requirements for study abroad as well as any program specific eligibility requirements. After the application deadline passes, EA will review and evaluate all application components to see if the student can be approved to participate in the program. If the application has been approved by EA, the student will then be notified via email 1-3 weeks after submission.

Pre-Departure Requirements

Once the registration application is received EA will review the information. If travel is approved, the student will then be notified that they are eligible to complete the Pre-Departure Requirements, which includes confirmation of program dates, passport copy upload, and an online orientation.