Can I Get Credit?
Academics are an important part of studying abroad, and students should select a program that is going to enrich their college experience. With advanced planning, your study abroad credits can, and should, contribute towards the completion of your degree requirements. Students should work closely with their academic advisor as well as UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) before, during, and after the study abroad process to ensure that the academic credit process goes smoothly.

- Students receive UNC Charlotte equivalent academic credit for the courses they take abroad, not transfer credit. As students are issued resident credit and NOT transfer credit, study abroad does not affect the last 30 hours of residency credit rule for graduation
- Courses will appear on the student’s UNC Charlotte transcript. All credit abroad must be transcripted on campus, unless it is determined that UNC Charlotte cannot award credit for the course.
- Students will receive an A-F letter grade for each grade they earn abroad and will be factored into the student’s cumulative UNC Charlotte GPA.
- Courses graded abroad on a Pass/Fail basis cannot be issued as UNC Charlotte credit and will not be awarded pass/fail credit (unless exceptions are given by the student’s academic department for a particular course(s) OR that course is listed in the UNC Charlotte Catalog as a Pass/Fail course)
- All courses taken & grades earned abroad will be reported to the Registrar and listed on the student’s UNC Charlotte transcript. Even if the student:
- Fails the course
- Does not need the course to graduate
- Does not want it to be reported
- EA is obligated to report all coursework and cannot remove any courses at the request of the student
Students have the most important role when it comes to selecting a program that is academically appropriate for them. Students should work closely with their Academic Adviser and EA Adviser to determine needed courses and available programs that may offer those courses.
Finding Available Courses
It is important to evaluate all courses offered by a program or host university that you may be interested in taking. With hundreds of programs to choose from, this process takes time, but is critical to choosing an appropriate program. There should always be an “Academics” or “Courses” section on any study abroad program brochure where a list of courses offered will be provided. Review all of the courses available on a particular program print course descriptions for courses you are interested in taking abroad to share with your academic adviser.
Meeting with an Academic Advisor
Before applying for a program, students should meet with an academic advisor to discuss their study abroad plans.
- Review your degree audit in advance and ask about fulfilling major and minor requirements while abroad.
- Make a list of courses that you feel will meet your needs and share them with your academic advisor. Be sure to have back up course options as well
- Discuss any departmental restrictions on courses taken abroad
- Ask about how the courses will fit into your degree audit
- If considering taking an internship abroad ask if you can earn academic credit for the internship
- Please note that ultimately the Department Chair of the corresponding academic department or Graduate Program Director at UNC Charlotte will have the final say on what UNC Charlotte equivalent courses can be assigned to any courses taken abroad.
Student Responsibility
- Determine academic interests
- Research specific lists of courses offered by a program
- Review degree audit
- Set up meetings with academic advisor and EA Advisor
- Make the final decision on program selection
Academic Advisor Responsibility
- Explain degree requirements
- Assist to identify unfulfilled course requirements, flexibility within the degree audit, and mapping out an academic plan
- Provide guidance on how a course will fit into degree requirements
EA Advisor Responsibility
- Assist to identify programs that offer certain course types
- Show students how to access course listings for a specific program
- Serve as a resource regarding the process of earning credit on a study abroad program
- Facilitate the program application process
Study abroad programs refer to programs that involve students taking a course or courses as part of the program. Depending on the program type, the academic process will vary. The way in which the academic credit process works will vary depending on the program type.
Experiential learning programs involve students participating in internships, volunteering placements, or other opportunities abroad. Depending on the student and their program, it may be possible for students to obtain academic credit for these types of experiential learning programs. Students who are interested in an experiential learning program, but not in earning credit, should visit the section of our website about Travel Registrations.