Faculty-Led Programs
Faculty-led programs are credit-bearing study abroad experiences that are developed and led by UNC Charlotte faculty and/or staff members, managed by UNC Charlotte, and that deliver specific UNC Charlotte courses partially or mostly abroad. Most programs are offered during semester breaks (i.e. spring break and summer) but some semester length options are available.

Faculty-Led Program tYpes
There are two primary types of Faculty-Led Programs: Embedded and Freestanding. The main differences between these types is in how course registration works, how grades are processed, and how the costs are structured.
Embedded Faculty-Led Programs
Embedded simply means that the study abroad experience is a required part of a UNC Charlotte course(s) taught during the Fall or Spring semester. Most embedded programs are offered over spring break with some exceptions offered in the fall or over winter break.
Freestanding Faculty-Led Programs
A Freestanding program is still managed by UNC Charlotte and offers UNC Charlotte course credit; Freestanding simply means that the course content is delivered entirely on-site abroad. Most Freestanding programs run during the summer or over the full fall or spring term.
Before reviewing the costs specifically associated with Faculty-Led programs, students should familiarize themselves with the Costs to Consider and Financial Planning sections of EA website. A budget for each faculty-led program will be listed on the program brochure in the Money Matters section. Budget sheets provide a list all of the expenses paid to EA along with estimated costs for anticipated expenses not billed by EA.
Program Fees
The program fee refers to the expenses for the study abroad component of the course and amounts will vary by program. The program fee is typically broken up into several payments. Payment amounts and due dates are detailed in the online program brochure and within students’ EA applications. For more information about making payments please visit the Billing Information section of our website.
Confirmation Deposit
- The first program fee payment is the non-refundable deposit and confirms the student’s participation on the program.
- The deposit cannot be deferred or broken up into smaller payments. It must be submitted in full no later than the program’s final confirmation deadline.
- Students are encouraged to complete the confirmation steps and submit their deposit as soon as possible once their application is approved a the program may fill before the final confirmation deadline.
- The deposit must be paid by EA confirmation due date as listed on the program brochure.
Students should reference the Can I Get Credit? and Earning Credit Abroad sections of EA website to understand how credit works on study abroad programs and academic policies.
Registration and Grades
Embedded Faculty-Led Programs
Participants are required to register for the corresponding on-campus course by the University add/drop deadline for the applicable term. The Faculty Director will provide participants with the section number for the course tied to the study abroad program or will enroll all participants in the applicable course. Students will be unable to register in the study abroad course if they have a hold on their UNC Charlotte Student Account. The program’s Faculty Director will grade students per the regular University grading processes and timelines.
Freestanding Faculty-Led Programs
EA will register participants into a non-tuition bearing study abroad “placeholder” course, called “FRST”. The FRST course allows participants to remain active students at UNC Charlotte while abroad. The actual UNC Charlotte credit students will receive for the program will be added to your UNC Charlotte transcript after the program ends. EA processes the grades awarded by the Faculty Director and sends them to the Registrar. Grades will post to transcripts within 4-5 weeks after EA receives all the grades awarded by all Faculty Directors/institutions as applicable. Students intending to graduate immediately following the program will need to notify their Faculty Director and EA right away in order to ensure their grades are processed in time.
First visit the How to Apply section of EA website to learn more about the steps to applying for a study abroad program. The first step to applying is completing the Study Abroad 101 requirement. After completing Study Abroad 101, students will be able to apply directly to the open program of their choice by visiting the relevant program’s webpage. Faculty-Led programs operate on a rolling admissions basis up to the final application deadline, or until the program fills. Should the program reach its maximum enrollment prior to the final application or confirmation deadlines, the program will close and further applications will no longer be accepted. Students interested in faculty-led programs are not required to meet with a Study Abroad Advisor, but it is encouraged if they have any further questions!
Application Review and Approval Process
First, EA will determine if the student meets the general eligibility requirements for study abroad as well as any program-specific eligibility requirements. Once EA has reviewed each application, it will then be forwarded on to the Faculty Director for a final review and admission decision. Final admission decisions are at the discretion of the Faculty Director and will be shared with students after the Faculty Director has completed their review of the application. Please reference the confirming participation section of this website for more information about what happens after approval for a program.
Confirming Participation
Once a student’s application has been approved, the student must complete several confirmation steps in order to hold their place on the program.
- Submit the non-refundable program deposit in full
- Review and electronically sign the Participant Agreement
When students confirm their intent to participate in a program by submitting an application fee and deposit, the Education Abroad office begins to make financial commitments on their behalf, both administratively on campus and also to our international partners. If a student must withdraw after confirming their participation they will be subject to the Programs Withdrawal Policy.
Program Cancellation
If a program is cancelled by UNC Charlotte Education Abroad, students will be offered the opportunity to transfer their deposit to another program, or receive a refund.