Direct Enrollment Programs

Direct Enrollment programs offer students the opportunity to enroll directly in a university or institution abroad for a fall, spring, summer, or year. Directly enrolling in an institution abroad means that the student will be working directly with the host institution in terms of applying, registering for courses, program details, costs, logistics, etc. These programs are a good fit for students who are self-reliant, organized, and adaptable. This program type typically does not include additional programming (i.e. excursions) or and works best for students who are looking for cultural immersion and independence while abroad.

direct enrollment Program Types

There are a variety of direct enrollment opportunities available to students. In some cases UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) already has an established relationship with the institution abroad and has the program listed in our database. Some students may find an institution they are interested in that is not in our database and may still be able to apply for that program.

Pre-Approved Direct Enroll Programs

Direct enrollment is an opportunity for a student to directly enroll at a university or institution abroad. EA has a list of approved direct enrollment program options available in our database.

Non-Pre-approved Direct Enroll Programs

Students who identify a host university or institution abroad that they would like to attend that is not listed on EA’s approved direct enrollment programs can apply to EA to see if they are able to receive approval to participate in the program.

Cost structure

Before reviewing the costs specifically associated with Direct Enrollment programs, students should familiarize themselves with the Costs to Consider and Financial Planning sections of EA website. Students are encouraged to complete a Cost Estimate Worksheet for their chosen program. Cost Estimate Worksheets are provided in EA application and provide a list all of the expenses paid to EA along with estimated costs for anticipated expenses not billed by EA.

Direct Enrollment Program Costs

Payable toExpense
Paid to EAApplication fee
International health insurance
Paid to UNC Charlotte Student AccountsStudy Abroad Administrative Fee
Paid to the Host InstitutionApplication fee
Program fee
Other Costs to ConsiderHousing (if not included in program fee)
Flight In-country transportation
Visa or immigration document
Books and supplies
Personal expenses
Personal travel
Travel insurance
Medical and emergency funds

Academic Credit

Students should reference the Can I Get Credit? and Earning Credit Abroad sections of EA website to understand how credit works on study abroad programs and academic policies.

Reviewing Course Lists and Descriptions

Each program brochure will have an “Academics” or “Courses” section where students can access a list of courses offered at that institution. Students may find it helpful to first find out what UNC Charlotte courses they will need to take in the upcoming semesters to complete graduation requirements by meeting with their academic adviser. It is then recommended you search for the UNC Charlotte course descriptions on the academic department’s websites, if possible. By having a list of courses and course descriptions you need to take here at UNC Charlotte in front of you while researching courses on programs abroad you will be better prepared to determine whether or not a course may satisfy a curriculum requirement.

Tips for Researching Courses:

  • Keep in mind that areas of study may be called something different by the provider or host institution
  • Ultimately the Department Chair of the corresponding academic department or Graduate Program Director here at UNC Charlotte will have the final say on what UNC Charlotte equivalent courses can be assigned to any courses taken abroad
  • The course description or syllabus is most important when the Department Chair/Graduate Program Director determines the UNC Charlotte equivalent course.

Application Process

First visit the How to Apply section of EA website to learn more about the steps to applying for a study abroad program. The first step to applying is completing the Study Abroad 101 requirement. After completing the 101 students should request access to an application by filling out EA Application Request form. Students applying for a direct enrollment program will need to complete two applications. The first step will be to complete EA application in order to receive approval to go abroad. The second step will be to complete a supplemental application for the provider in order to receive official acceptance into the program.

EA Application Review and Approval Process

First, EA will determine if the student meets the general eligibility requirements for study abroad as well as any program specific eligibility requirements. After the application deadline passes, EA will review and evaluate all application components to see if the student can be approved to participate in the program. If the application has been approved by EA, the student will then be notified via email 2-3 weeks after submission.

Supplemental Application

Students should begin their host institution application after meeting with an EA advisor and beginning their EA Application. It is the student’s responsibility to go to the host institution’s website and follow the applicable application instructions in order to complete the required application. Students must be prepared to be diligent in completing supplemental application materials in a timely manner or they may not receive consideration from the host university.

Please note: approval by EA and acceptance by the host institution is not guaranteed. The host institution application will likely require a non-refundable application fee so students should ensure they meet EA eligibility requirements before finalizing an application or submitting any fees to the institution abroad.