Once students return to UNC Charlotte after a semester abroad, they are encouraged to get involved on campus. Volunteering or interning for UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA), attending internationally focused-events, and welcoming international students to UNC Charlotte are all great ways to develop professionally and to continue processing the experiences they had abroad.
Study Abroad Ambassador
Study Abroad Ambassadors volunteer their time with EA to help promote study abroad to the campus community. With over 30,000 students on campus, our ambassadors are integral to the EA team! This program offers flexibility so that students can fit it into their schedules. Being a Study Abroad Ambassador is a rewarding experience, allowing Study Abroad Alumni to be a part of the study abroad journey for other UNC Charlotte students.
Interning in EA is a great way to gain office experience and professional skills. While this is an unpaid position, EA interns are treated like professional staff. Unlike peer advising roles, EA internships involve a weekly time commitment and the ability to function well in an office environment. EA interns work on office projects, deliver classroom presentations, execute programming efforts, and more.
The Office of International Programs is a department consisting of several offices, including EA. Each unit facilitates programming on campus each semester to help internationalize UNC Charlotte’s campus. There are a lot of great organizations that Study Abroad Alumni can be involved with, that allow them the opportunity to grow professionally and to be exposed to all things international.
EA holds a Study Abroad Fair each fall semester. This event attracts hundreds of students and is a great way to showcase study abroad opportunities. There are a lot of volunteer shifts offered throughout the day that allow Study Abroad Alumni to talk about their experience abroad! Volunteer at the Study Abroad Fair.
Study Abroad Week
EA holds Study Abroad Week each spring semester. This week-long event is an opportunity for students to learn more about how study abroad works and to explore their international opportunities. Study Abroad Alumni are encouraged to pick up volunteer shifts, allowing them to talk about their experience abroad and debunk common study abroad myths. Volunteer during Study Abroad Week.
International Festival
The International Festival is a huge event that takes place at UNC Charlotte each fall semester. UNC Charlotte and the community come together to celebrate different cultures, eat authentic food from around the globe, watch dance performances, and more! Volunteer at the International Festival.
The English Language Training Institute (ELTI) provides intensive English instruction for international students planning to attend U.S. universities, as well as for those hoping to improve their general English skills. ELTI welcomes volunteers to serve as conversation partners for specific ELTI students and to interact with ELTI students in other ways. For more information about volunteering, contact ELTI at elti@charlotte.edu or 704‑687‑7777.
Friendship & Cultural Exchange
The International Friendship & Culture Exchange Program (FACE) is an opportunity for UNC Charlotte and international students to spend an hour together each week in interesting, small-group conversations; sharing the ideas, customs, and concerns of their own respective countries. Learn more about FACE here.
Global Engagement Scholars Program
The UNC Charlotte Global Engagement Scholars Program (GESP) offers global awareness, academic and co-curricular opportunities to a wide group of students from all academic disciplines, especially those who may not otherwise become globally engaged. Employers are looking for graduates who have special skills that demonstrate that they are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. Such skills include the ability to work in multicultural teams and in a variety of contexts. The Global Engagement Scholars Program supports students’ structured connections in the UNC Charlotte and Charlotte international community via participation in globally focused curricular, co-curricular, and engagement experiences. Learn more about GESP here.
Phi Beta Delta Honors Society
Phi Beta Delta has as its purpose the recognition of experience in the areas of international education exchange and/or international scholarship. It also serves as a means for encouraging interdisciplinary interchange and serves as a catalyst for developing a network among faculty, students, and staff involved. Learn more about PBD here.
Meet people from around the world, play games and enjoy really good conversations. Or just relax with free refreshments. No reservations required! International Coffee Hour is help from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on the first and third Thursday of each month throughout the Fall and Spring semesters and twice during summer. See the International Student and Scholar Office’s Calendar here.
Marian Beane Crossing Borders Writing Competition
The Marian Beane Crossing Borders Writing Competition is an internationally themed annual writing contest for UNC Charlotte students. The Writing Contest is sponsored by the Office of International Programs, the English Language Training Institute and the UNC Charlotte International Club. Learn more about the competition here.