Study Abroad 101
UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) knows that the study abroad process can be a bit overwhelming at first. This is why EA has created Study Abroad 101, a free, non-credit course hosted in Canvas that outlines program options, financial aid and scholarships, academic credit processes, and more. Once a student has completed Study Abroad 101, they can begin to move forward with the application process by researching programs and meeting with an EA advisor.

How to Complete Study Abroad 101
Students will first need to create an Advising Application in the EA Portal. Once the Advising Application is created, students will be given instructions on how to access Study Abroad 101 in Canvas. Please note that an Advising Application is not a specific program application, it is simply a profile that students create before they receive access to a program application. UNC Charlotte students should log in with their NinerNet credentials. External students will be prompted to create an account before being given access to the advising application.
incoming freshman & transfer students
Students who have recently been admitted to UNC Charlotte but have not yet begun taking courses are not eligible to create an Advising Application in the EA Portal. Although newly admitted students receive NinerNet credentials, they are not active students in the EA system until the first day of the term they have been admitted for, which is typically between 7 – 14 days prior to the first day of class. New students are encouraged to return to EA’s website to create an advising application once classes have begun for their first term on campus.
Non-UNC Charlotte Students
Non-UNC Charlotte students are required to create an Advising Application in the EA Portal, but are not required to complete Study Abroad 101 in Canvas. Non-UNC Charlotte students simply need to create an Advising Application, then head over to the How to Apply page to request access to an EA application.