External Scholarship List

In addition to scholarships available through UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) there are several resources for finding scholarships managed by other departments at UNC Charlotte, and organizations external to the university (e.g. government or non-profit sources). It takes time to research and apply for scholarships, so start early to make sure you know the resources available to you and so that you have plenty of time to complete the applications. Eligibility requirements, application process, and application deadlines will vary per scholarship and EA cannot advise on external scholarships, so be sure to ready the information in each section thoroughly.


There are several databases that exist to help students identify potential scholarship opportunities:

Recommended Scholarships

Combing through scholarship databases can sometimes be a bit daunting, so EA has compiled a list of scholarships that have been popular with students in the past as a starting point. However, don’t limit yourself to these lists; you may find additional scholarships through targeted searches.

The following are departmental scholarships at UNC Charlotte that EA has been made aware and asked to list on the website. Other departmental scholarships may exist and be available for application through the NinerScholars Portal. Students should consider contacting their academic college or department to ask if any additional study abroad funding is available.

Departmental Scholarships

Scholarship NameAmountDescription/Eligibility
Aliaga-Buchenau Study Abroad ScholarshipVaries– The Aliaga-Buchenau Scholarship is intended to support students who study abroad in regions of the world where they may explore themes related to Social Justice and Human Rights.
– Interested students will need to review scholarship criteria in and apply through the NinerScholars Portal
Belk College of Business ScholarshipVaries– Belk College of Business majors and minors
– Confirmed participant on an approved UNC Charlotte Education Abroad program
– No separate application is necessary
– All Belk College of Business students will be considered. However:
– Priority for undergraduate awards will be given to:
– Undergraduate International Business Majors
– Undergraduate International Management Minors
– Priority for graduate awards will be given to candidates in the Master of Science in Real Estate program
– Please contact Alisha Aycoth at aaycoth1@charlotte.edu with any questions about scholarship availability or your scholarship eligibility
Delbridge E. Narron Scholarship (Travel Fund)$2,000​This fund supports travel outside the United States for the Delbridge E. Narron Scholarship recipient. Although this scholarship is not listed explicitly as a study abroad scholarship in NinersScholars portal, students who receive this scholarship can communicate with the Honors College for more information regarding additional travel funds. Award amount: $2,000.
Dr. Judith Suther Scholarship$500​This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing study in French for a semester or study abroad program. Funding for this award was made possible by the generosity of Joe Marchucci.
Dr. Tom Forrest Study Abroad Scholarship$500This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing study in Sociology study abroad programs.
Gabriel Cernyak Reimer Scholarship for Ghosts of Berlin$500This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to German majors who plan to study abroad with the Ghosts of Berlin program offered through UNC Charlotte’s Education Abroad.
Federal Republic of Germany Study Abroad Scholarship (GLCF – German Language & Culture Foundation)$2,000The German Language and Culture Foundation aims to fund projects that will help create long-term friendships and promote a better understanding between the people of Germany and the Charlotte region. German Majors with a 2.0 GPA or higher applying to this program are eligible to receive a $2,000.00 scholarship offered by the German Language and Culture Foundation of Charlotte to support their study at approved German programs. Currently this includes the Goethe Institute or the International summer University at Kassel University. Recipients may use the scholarship to offset the cost of tuition and housing during a 4 or 8-week program. To find out more about these programs, please refer to Ein Sommer in Deutschland mit Goethe brochure or the International Summer University Kassel brochure.

NOTE: Students applying for this scholarship for summer programs with Goethe or Kassel will need to submit their application to study abroad in addition to the scholarship application by February 15 to be eligible for the GLCF Scholarship.
Harper-Thomas Legacy Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad$1,000This scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Mary Harper and Dr. Herman Thomas’s contributions as professors at UNC Charlotte. Funding will be used to support study abroad experiences for students in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. This is a merit-based scholarship that supports the international educational experiences of first-generation college students from underrepresented populations.
Italian Study Abroad Scholarship$2,000The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship assistance for an undergraduate student to take a summer course in the Italian language in Milan, Italy.
Jim and Nancy Hill Award for International Travel$1,000The purpose of the fund is to provide scholarship support to students in the College of Health and Human Services who are enrolled in Education Abroad programs. UNC Charlotte alumni Jim and Nancy Hill have remained dedicated to their alma mater through their service and financial support. Avid travelers themselves, Jim and Nancy wish to share their love of exploring foreign lands by supporting students embarking on international learning experiences.
June Alkire Model UN Travel Scholarship$1,000This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students participating in the International Conferences sponsored by UNC Charlotte’s Model United Nations Program. Award Amount: $1,000
Languages & Culture Studies Scholarship$500This scholarship was established to provide financial support to students majoring in French, German, Japanese or Spanish and seeking to participate in an education abroad experience. Funding for this award was made possible by the generosity of various donors.
Languages Study Abroad Scholarship$250This fund was established to award scholarships to students interested in studying abroad in one of the university-supported study abroad programs.
Robert G. Fowler Jr. Esquire International Scholarship$5,000The Robert G. Fowler, Jr., Esquire International Scholar Fund was established in 1996 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Fowler to honor the memory of their son Robert G. (Rob) Fowler, Jr. Rob was a 1983 graduate of UNC Charlotte, where he earned a degree in political science. The Fund supports outstanding students studying political science and international studies at UNC Charlotte.
Ruff-Lansen Study Abroad Scholarship$2,500The purpose of this scholarship is to provide scholarship assistance to an undergraduate student within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in pursuit of a semester or year-long study abroad experience (an extended summer term abroad may be considered) that focuses on historical inquiry and/or skill development (broadly defined). The study abroad experience chosen must be approved by UNC Charlotte Education Abroad.
Samuel Nelson Read Endowed Scholarship$2,000Anthony and Glenda Read established this scholarship to honor the memory of their son, Samuel N. Read. Samuel was a 2015 graduate of UNC Charlotte, where he majored in Japanese. Sam had a love for all things Japanese, its language, culture, and people. In addition to several shorter visits to Japan, Sam also spent a year studying in Kyoto from 2014 to 2015.

Recipients must plan to study abroad in Japan for one academic year, starting in the fall semester. Interested students should review the scholarship criteria and apply through the NinerScholars Portal.
School of Architecture Rome Semester Abroad Scholarship$1,500 This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students pursuing the spring Rome Study Abroad Program within the School of Architecture. This scholarship was made possible by the generous contribution of Friends of UNC Charlotte.
University Honors Program Study Abroad Scholarship$500This scholarship provides supplemental funding to a full-time enrolled University Honors Program student studying abroad. Application is open to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. Preference is given to full year or semester study abroad.

List of Partner Scholarships

Scholarship NameAmountDescription/Eligibility
ISEP Exchange ScholarshipsVariesStudents who are approved to participate in an ISEP Exchange program are encouraged to view the list of ISEP Exchange university scholarships.

Eligibility will depend on which host university the student has been placed at through an ISEP Exchange.
Universidad de Cantabria: Department of Global Studies ScholarshipUp to $5000– Declared International Studies major
– Students must meet the eligibility requirements of the program
– Students must complete the required application steps
– Interested students will need to review scholarship criteria in and apply through the NinerScholars Portal
Warwick University500 GBPTwo awards available; one for any major, and one for declared history majors at time of application. Scholarship is applied towards housing.
– Students must meet the eligibility requirements of the program
– Students must complete the required application steps
– If approved by EA and placed at the host university, students will be selected for the scholarship based on the strength of their EA application (there is no additional scholarship application required)


VariesAIFS offers programs in 21 different countries as well as a multi-country option. AIFS offers a wide range of unique programs in Asia, Australia, Europe, South Africa and the Americas. Most AIFS campuses offer courses in English or in foreign languages from beginner to advanced levels, so you don’t even have to know a foreign language to study through these programs. Explore AIFS scholarships.
APIVariesAcademic Programs International, or API, offers programs in 20 different countries. API programs offer U.S. college and university students the opportunity to earn college credit toward their degree programs in the U.S. by completing coursework in a wide variety of disciplines, including such fields as business, the social sciences, medical studies and the arts.

Explore API scholarships.

Affiliation Scholarship
In addition to the scholarship listed through API’s website, UNC Charlotte students approved to participate in an API program may be eligible to receive a scholarship to be applied toward their program fee (paid to the affiliate provider). The scholarship amount will vary from year to year. EA will determine the amount of funds available and will then select qualified students who have been approved by EA to participate in a program through this affiliate provider. There is no additional application required; students will be notified if they are selected to receive this scholarship.
CIS AbroadVariesThe Center for International Studies, or CIS Abroad, offers programs in 21 different countries, including a multi-country option.

Explore CIS Abroad scholarships.

Affiliation Grant
UNC Charlotte students approved to participate in a program through this affiliate provider are eligible to receive a discount on their program fee. The grant amount varies per program and will automatically be discounted from the program fee. Talk with your study abroad advisor or your CIS Abroad contact for more information regarding the affiliation grant and the discount amount.
CIEEVariesOperating in over 40 countries, CIEE provides over 200 different programs for students studying any major or minor.

Explore CIEE scholarships.

Specific Opportunities with CIEE

The Frederick Douglas Global Fellowship. This Fellowship is a fully funded summer study abroad program designed for students of color as part of CIEE’s commitment to open doors for all students from all backgrounds. UNC Charlotte students are encourage to explore the scholarship and apply through UNC Charlotte Education Abroad for this affiliate program opportunity.
CIEE offers need-based, merit-based, and other scholarships for study abroad opportunities
CIEE Gilman Go Global Grant
Gain Travel Grant

Member Grant
UNC Charlotte students approved to participate in a CIEE program are eligible to receive a grant on their CIEE program fee. The amount will vary from year to year. There is no additional application required; students will be notified if they are selected to receive this discount prior to departure.
ISAVariesInternational Studies Abroad, or ISA, provides programs all around the world as well as internships and service-learning opportunities. ISA has over 250 different programs to choose from.

Explore ISA scholarships.
TEANVariesThe Education Abroad Network, or TEAN, focuses on their programs in Australia, New Zealand, China, Southeast Asia and South Korea.

Explore TEAN scholarships.
USACVariesThe University Studies Abroad Consortium, or USAC, known for their affordability, offers programs all around the world.

Explore USAC scholarships.

Alliance Scholarship
In addition to the scholarship available through USAC, UNC Charlotte students approved to participate in a USAC program are eligible to receive a scholarship to be applied toward their program fee (paid to the affiliate provider). The scholarship amounts will vary from year to year. EA will determine the amount available and then select qualified students who have been approved by EA to participated in a USAC program. There is no additional application required; students will be notified if they are selected to receive this scholarship.

Location and Language Opportunities

Scholarship NameAmountDescription/Eligibility
Bridging Scholarships Up to $2,500 a semester

Up to $4,500 for academic year
-Studying abroad in Japan for a semester or academic year
-Undergraduate students of any major are eligible
-Prior Japanese study is not a prerequisite
-Must be U.S. citizen
-Time abroad must be at least 3 months
-Deadline on March 15
DAAD German Academic Scholarships€861/month, insurance, travel allowanceAimed primarily at graduates, doctoral students, and post docs. There are a few smaller scholarships open to students in Bachelor’s programs in any subject area
– Outstanding academic records and personal integrity
– Well-defined study, research, or internship plans for Germany
– Submit DAAD language evaluation form (although German language competency is not mandatory)
– Demonstrate an interest in contemporary German and European affairs
– Will return to the U.S/Canada after scholarship completion
– Deadline late January
Freeman-ASIA$3,000 – $7,000– Must have applied or have been accepted to a study abroad based program in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam with little or no experience in the country of choice
– U.S. citizen or permanent resident
– Receive need-based financial aid or demonstrate a verifiable need for financial assistance (submit the EFC figure)
– Undergraduate student at a 2-year or 4-year institution in the U.S.
– Minimum GPA of 2.8
John Philip Couch Scholarship$4,000 – $7,000– 2.75 cumulative GPA
– Undergraduate student currently enrolled at a college or university in North Carolina
– Declared French major and completed at least two French courses beyond the intermediate level
– Study abroad program is eligible for credit at the home institution
– Must be nominated by their major department at their home institution
– Deadline in March
George J. Mitchell Scholarship/US-Ireland AllianceTuition, accommodation, stipend for living expensesU.S. citizen
– Ages 18 – 29
– Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university
– No minimum GPA
– Studying abroad in Ireland or Northern Ireland
– Deadline late September
Go Overseas New Zealand ScholarshipTuition, round trip airfare– Undergraduate
– Applying for a direct enrollment program at a university in New Zealand
– Must meet eligibility requirements of the study abroad program itself
Year Abroad Program (Poland)VariesThere are more than 10 scholarships available with the KF Scholarship Program. Visit the website to see which one(s) you’re eligible for, and to apply.
Walter Jenson Scholarship$2,000– At least 18 years old
– Enrolled in an established teacher education program (B.A., B.S., or M.A.T.) in French.
– U.S. citizen or permanent resident
– Non-native speaker of French
– Sponsored by an AATF member teacher (check the French Department)
– Deadline mid March

National Scholarship Opportunities

Fellowship NameAmountDescription/Eligibility
Critical Language Scholarship Program The Critical Language Scholarship Program is an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities. Students spend eight to ten weeks abroad studying one of 15 critical languages. The program includes intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. It is an intensive group-based language program. Recipients of the scholarship will participate on the program fully-funded. – U.S. citizen
– Enrolled in an accredited U.S. degree-granting program at the undergraduate (associate’s, bachelor’s) or graduate (master’s, doctoral, professional degree) level
– Enrolled in an accredited U.S. institution
– Your program must result in a degree (Stand-alone or continuing education classes are ineligible)
– At least 18 years old
– Undergraduates must complete at least one academic year of study
– Requires prior language study – amount varies by location and language of study
Cultural Vistas FellowshipCovers program-related travel (airfare, in-country travel), accommodations, internship placement, emergency medical insurance, applicable visa expenses, and some group meals. Most costs are subsidized by the fellowship award.– U.S. citizens
– Enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student at a four-year accredited U.S. college or university
– Sophomore or Junior academic status at the time of application
– Preferred minimum GPA of 3.0
– Ages 18-30
– No formal prior work or study abroad experiences
– Prior knowledge of language of host country
– applicable in Germany and Argentina only
Strong preference will be given to students historically underrepresented in international exchange. This includes, but is not limited to Pell Grant recipients; veterans; first-generation college students; STEM majors; members of minority communities within the United States; and non-traditional students.
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship$3,000 – $8,000– Undergraduate
Pell grant recipient
– Abroad for at least four consecutive weeks
– Not studying in Cuba or a country on the US Department of State’s Travel Advisory list
– No minimum GPA requirement, but must be in good academic and disciplinary standing
– Recommended for (but not restricted to) students studying abroad in non-traditional locations and/or studying critical languages
– Applicants who are studying a critical need language while abroad in a country in which the language is predominantly spoken can apply for a supplemental award of up to $3,000, for a combined total of $8,000.
– EA holds Gilman Scholarship workshops each semester (fall and spring) prior to the application deadline in order to discuss application requirements and tips on how to have a competitive application.
Rotary Peace FellowshipsVariesWork experience in International relations or peace and conflict prevention and resolution.
– Proficiency in English; proficiency in second language is strongly recommended
– Strong commitment to international understanding and peace as demonstrated through professional and academic achievements and personal or community service
– Excellent leadership skills
– Master’s degree applicants: minimum three years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, bachelor’s degree
– Certificate applicants: minimum five years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, strong academic background
Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) Scholarships$1,250 – $10,000– U.S. citizen or permanent resident
– Undergraduate student currently enrolled at a college or university in the U.S.
– Study abroad program is eligible for credit at the home institution
– Study abroad program is at least 4 weeks (28 days) in countr(ies)
– As an applicant for an FEA Scholarship, you are automatically considered for all available scholarships (general and dedicated) based on answers you provide on your application online.
– FEA has 20 scholarships available to students. ​Click on the website for a full list of scholarships.
Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship$1,000– Undergraduate attending an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter
– GPA of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale
– Your study abroad program starts between May 1 to June 30 of the following year of the scholarship cycle
– Have applied to or been accepted into an accredited study abroad program before the session deadline and provide a letter of acceptance or a letter confirming your application, on official letterhead, as part of your application
Boren Awards for International Study$8,000 – $20,000– A U.S. citizen at the time of application
– Planning an overseas program that meets home institution standards in a country outside of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand
Boren Scholarship applicants:
– A high school graduate, or have earned a GED
– Matriculated in an undergraduate degree program that’s an accredited university in the U.S.
Boren Fellowship applicants:
– Either matriculated in or applying to a graduate degree program that’s an accredited university in the U.S.
– Campus and National Deadlines ​​
– Students interested in the Boren Scholarship should meet with Brad Sekulich (request a meeting at sekulich@uncc.edu) to discuss the application process. Students who do not meet with Mr. Sekulich may not be interviewed on campus. All application materials must be submitted online by 5:00pm on the campus deadline. Interviews will then be arranged for students who submit completed applications.