Who to Contact
EA places responsibility directly on students to complete all necessary requirements and will communicate directly with students through their UNC Charlotte email account. Students who take full ownership of their study abroad experiences often reap the most benefits. When possible, parents and family members should encourage their students to serve as the primary contact to each office in order to prepare for their study abroad experience.
FERPA release
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is the US law that protects the privacy of student records. EA observes all FERPA regulations and will speak only to the student about their study abroad plans unless the student has explicitly given permission for us to speak with another party by providing a release as part of their study abroad application. Please note that if you are not listed on the student’s EA FERPA, we are legally unable to communicate specific information about the student or their program.
UNC Charlotte Guest Access
Students have the ability to give access to their information via the Guest Access Portal. Students are able to choose who can see the information they choose to share, such as student account information, class registration status, class schedule, holds and more. Chat with your student to see if this a good option for you.

UNC Charlotte education abroad
Students are encouraged to share EA communications with family members that may play an active role in helping them prepare for their study abroad. Students should contact EA with questions regarding the steps to study abroad, program details, cost structures, how academic credit works, study abroad application, pre-departure resources and emergency issues.

academic department(s)
After learning how the academic credit process works when studying abroad, students should then direct their questions to their academic department(s) here at UNC Charlotte for questions regarding the UNC Charlotte equivalent credit they will receive for the courses they take overseas, how the courses they take abroad will fulfill their degree requirements, and any course changes they need while abroad.

Students that have questions regarding making changes to the courses they’re enrolled in abroad, emergencies, housing issues, issues with culture shock, and acclimation to life abroad should contact on-site staff. This could be a UNC Charlotte faculty-member, affiliate provider staff, or the host institution’s international student office depending on the program that the student is participating in.

Students who experience emergencies abroad should contact local police or medical services in their host country for immediate assistance. Students should also contact on-site police for a stolen passport, theft, or assault.

GeoBlue is the international health insurance provider that students will be insured through while abroad. Students should refer to GeoBlue with questions regarding the policy, using the insurance abroad, extending insurance coverage, reimbursement, locating medical services abroad, prescription drug translation, and more.

Students should contact Niner Central for questions regarding FAFSA, Financial aid eligibility, Financial aid disbursement, Financial aid amount, Status of fund disbursement

- Passport validity requirements for the destination country
- How to apply for a valid passport
- Visa/immigration requirements and processes for the destination country
- Stolen passport
- Evacuation

- After hours emergencies abroad (after hours local EST time). The University Police will then contact EA.