Risk Management
Our priority is to keep our faculty, staff and students safe while abroad. We have measures in place to mitigate risk before travel and to provide crisis support while abroad.

travel policy
While we support study abroad programming almost anywhere around the globe, there are restrictions. UNC Charlotte students cannot study or undertake University sponsored activities abroad in any location that the U.S. Department of State identifies as Level 3 or Level 4 according to the established travel advisories. Note that conditions can change rapidly in a country at any time, so you should check your intended destination’s advisory level regularly.

emergencies abroad
EA provides crisis support and management to faculty and students studying abroad on our programs. If you experience a crisis while traveling overseas please follow our emergency procedures for immediate assistance.

geoblue insurance
All faculty, staff, and students traveling abroad on UNC Charlotte programs will be covered under GeoBlue international insurance. The insurance is mandated by the UNC System Office and covers medical expenses as well as crisis support services. Additionally, faculty and staff traveling abroad individually for university purposes may obtain business travel insurance through GeoBlue.

alert traveler
AlertTraveler is an extension of EA portal which provides students with alerts about safety and security related events near them (according to your itinerary) and contains professionally provided, up-to-date information about countries and major cities around the world.