Education Abroad Celebrates Scholarship Recipients

Education Abroad, with the Office of International Programs, congratulates and is proud to announce several scholarship recipients from the 2022/23 academic year. Six students received the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Award. The Gilman Scholarship is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the U.S. Department of State and offers underrepresented students opportunities to study or intern abroad. In providing more equitable opportunities for transformative education abroad experiences, the scholarship also provides recipients with skills that are critical to the United States’ national security and economic prosperity. Six UNC Charlotte undergraduate students were awarded a Gilman Scholarship to study abroad this academic year. Students are eligible to apply up to a year in advance for study abroad programs. Recipients were awarded up to $6,000 in funding to reduce costs for their study abroad experience and assist them in gaining the necessary skills to become proficient in diverse languages, cultures, and skills that are vital to their academic and career development.
The rigorous application requires prospective recipients to submit a statement of purpose and two community impact essays describing how they will build mutual understanding by sharing what it means to be an American, learning about their host culture, and building meaningful relationships abroad. Applicants also submit a service project proposal designed to increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship in their home or campus community.
One impressive student received the Freeman-ASIA scholarship, another respected award specific to programs in East Asia. Freeman-ASIA is sponsored by the Freeman Foundation,with major objectives to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the United States and countries of East Asia. Through education and educational institutes, the Foundation hopes to develop a greater appreciation of Asian cultures, histories, and economies in the United States and a better understanding of the American people and of American institutions and purposes by the peoples of East Asia. Learn more here.
UNC Charlotte’s cohort of awardees pursued a range of programs in a variety of destinations. In the Fall 2022 semester, three ambitious students received Gilman scholarships. Delia Rhodes, a two-time study abroad participant, is currently studying business abroad for her spring semester in Germany at the University of Mannheim. Daisy Ibarra studied abroad for her spring semester in Sevilla, Spain, with the affiliate provider, ISA, at Pablo de Olavide University. The Spring 2023 semester proved to be a great one for scholarships as well. UNC Charlotte had three more Gilman scholarship recipients and one Freeman-ASIA scholarship recipient. Stephanie Monroe, a Gilman Scholar studying Math for Business, will be spending the summer in Tokyo with affiliate provider CIS Abroad at Seisen University. Zaire Lawrence will be studying German this summer at Goethe Institute, a direct enrollment program, while our final Spring 2023 Gilman Scholar, Sydney Ly, will be participating in a faculty-led program studying Architecture in Tokyo this summer. Hayden McKenzie, our Freeman-ASIA scholarship recipient, will be studying in Seoul, South Korea, this fall at Yonsei University, with the affiliate provider USAC.
In addition, one awardee, Anika Jarrett, was awarded funds to study abroad in Costa Rica this summer. Unfortunately, they were unable to accept the award, but we hope they are able to study abroad in the future!
The Office of International Programs and Education Abroad once again congratulate all of the scholarship recipients and recognize their continued dedication to international education. If you are interested in learning more about funding your study abroad program through scholarships and awards, please visit the Education Abroad website. Additionally, Education Abroad will host Gilman workshops for eligible students in the Fall 2023 semester.
Q & A with our Recipients
Meet Sydney Ly
1. Why do you want to study abroad? What do you hope to gain from the experience?
My decision to study abroad was influenced by my experience traveling to Vietnam. Traveling to Vietnam was an eye-opening experience for me because it taught me humility and to enjoy the experiences over the things. I hope to gain invaluable skills such as being self-sufficient and looking forward to expanding my cultural awareness of Japanese culture!
2. What are you looking forward to the most in your program and/or host country?
Something I’m looking forward to is learning more about the core traditional values and characteristics of Japanese culture that deem them one of the best-performing countries in the world.
3. What advice would you give other students applying for the Gilman Scholarship?
My advice I would give to other students applying for the Gilman Scholarship is to be selective with the country/program they plan to study in. Don’t pick a country just because everyone else is planning to go there or it’s super popular. If you’re selective about the country/program, you’re more excited about it compared to the other programs. Convert that excitement of the program you selected into passion on paper. Japan was a place I was super excited about and I was so passionate even before selecting it as a study abroad location that I took language and cultural courses beforehand to familiarize myself about the culture and share that in my writings.
Meet Zaire Lawrence
1. Why did you want to study abroad? What do you hope to gain from the experience?
The desire to study abroad came from many places. I wanted to see more of the world, learn the German language and culture, and accelerate my education. Taking part in the Goethe program allows me the opportunity to accomplish all of these things at once. While abroad I will be immersed in German culture allowing me to gain a perspective that I might otherwise have never attained. Any time people try to live in a society or culture that is different from their own they are forced to learn something new or look at things differently. I believe experiences like this are what allow us to continually progress.
2. What are you enjoying the most in your program and/or host country? What are you still looking forward to?
I am most excited about the opportunity to learn. While in Germany my potential for linguistic and cultural understanding is vastly greater than it is in the States. Having to use the language every day and even basic interactions with the locals will push me to progress much faster and give me a much deeper understanding of the culture.
3. What advice would you give other students applying for the Gilman Scholarship?
Studying abroad is a great opportunity that many people do not get to experience for a multitude of reasons. The Gilman Scholarship could be your chance to see a part of the world you have dreamed of. You just have to express why you want to study abroad and that you will make the most of the opportunity. The people behind the scholarship want to send students abroad, they just need a reason to select you. My only advice is to be genuine about your desire and motivation to study abroad.
Meet Delia Rhodes
1. Why did you want to study abroad? What do you hope to gain from the experience?
I have always loved to travel. Learning about new cultures fascinates me. As a German major, though, the greatest motivation I had for studying abroad was improving my German ability.
2. What are you enjoying the most in your program and/or host country? What are you still looking forward to?
The part of my time abroad that I am enjoying the most is all of the activities bringing international and local students together. I love meeting new people and making friends I can spend time with. I’m looking forward to visiting these friends after my program has ended, and/or welcoming them to visit me.
3. What advice would you give other students applying for the Gilman Scholarship?
The best advice I can give to other students aspiring to receive the Gilman Scholarship is to utilize the Writing Resources Center (WRC). I visited the WRC a lot while writing my essays, and it really helped to have some additional insight into my responses.
Meet Hayden McKenzie
1. Why do you want to study abroad? What do you hope to gain from the experience?
I want to study abroad in hopes of making connections and getting new perspectives on people’s beliefs, experiences and viewpoints. I applied to study abroad because I wanted to branch out and explore different aspects of life while continuing my education.
2. What are you enjoying the most in your program and/or host country? What are you still looking forward to?
I am looking forward to exploring South Korea’s amazing cities and natural parks while also attending concerts and sporting events.
3. What advice would you give other students applying for the Freeman-ASIA Scholarship?
Have someone else go through your responses and critique everything. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have someone else give you suggestions and fix any issues with your writing.
4. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Start the study abroad process as soon as you can!