OEA Scholarships Accepting Applications Through NinerScholars Portal

Planning to go abroad in the upcoming fall or spring semesters, or maybe even for the 2021-2022 academic year? Don’t forget to check whether you are eligible for an OEA scholarship! Our office awards $50,000-$75,000 from endowed and other scholarships annually. Review the information on this page, or go to our OEA Scholarships page for more details about eligibility requirements and more.
To search for and apply for OEA Scholarships, students will need to log into NinerScholar Portal and create a scholarship profile. NinerScholars will automatically match you to the scholarships you are eligible to apply for (based on your student information [e.g. GPA, major, etc.]).
OEA Scholarships have one deadline per year, February 15th. Scholarship awards can then only be utilized in the Summer, Fall, or Spring semester following the deadline.
Students planning to study abroad Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, or Academic Year 2021-22:
- Deadline: February 15, 2021
- Exception: The Odyssean Scholarship deadline is March 15th, 2021
Student Eligibility
Students must meet the following requirements at time of application:
- Undergraduate or Graduate (depending on OEA Scholarship)
- Full-time student at UNC Charlotte
- 3.0 GPA minimum cumulative UNC Charlotte GPA (Exception: The Odyssean scholarship requires a 3.25)
- In good disciplinary standing
- Completion of Study Abroad 101
Recipients must meet the following requirements prior to departure and while abroad:
- Remain in good disciplinary standing
- Maintain the equivalent of full-time status at UNC Charlotte while abroad
There may be additional requirements that will vary per OEA Scholarship in addition to the general requirements. Students who are eligible for more than one OEA scholarship are able to apply for more than one, but can only receive one award.