Benefits of Study Abroad
UNC Charlotte Education Abroad (EA) works hard to help students understand the value of a study abroad experience, but it wouldn’t be possible without the support of dedicated faculty, advisors, and staff. The benefits of study abroad are numerous, and EA relies on its partners to share this information with students. Together, we can ensure that UNC Charlotte students have productive and enriching academic experiences while overseas.

Gain a Global Outlook
Study abroad gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves in another culture, but it also allows them to develop a new perspective on their own cultural background. Broadened persepectives help students form better relationships with people from different backgrounds, whether in their personal or professional lives. They can also develop a deeper understanding of our global marketplace, political, economical, and environmental issues.
Diversify & Enhance Your Education
Studying abroad means students will be enrolled into a foreign institution, yet still receive UNC Charlotte course credit for all classes taken abroad – without pushing their graduation date. By taking their education beyond the classroom and textbooks, they’ll be able to truly engage with a topic in a meaningful way, and understand those topics better within their own contexts. Through study abroad, many students have found a career of interest, the opportunity to advance in their major, and pursued research and opportunities around the world that may not be available here in Charlotte.
This is also an opportunity for students to learn a new language or perfect the language they are studying. Being surrounded by a new environment where the people around you are speaking a foreign language means that their opportunities to improve their language proficiency go beyond the classroom walls. A support network of new international friends, classmates, professors, and neighbors will help them practice communicating in their native tongue.
Personal Growth
A challenging new environment is a perfect opportunity for personal growth. Students studying abroad can grow as independent individuals and develop self-confidence and adaptability that they may not have even thought was possible.
Experience the World
To experience the world means students will develop a firsthand understanding, respect, and appreciation of other cultures, people, and places – learning that there is no perfect way of doing things, but that people and cultures just do things differently.
Become More Marketable
Study abroad looks great on a resume as it shows that students are capable of successfully living, studying, and working in a new environment. Prospective employers, graduate, and professional schools are looking for candidates that have demonstrated global perspectives and intercultural competence, invaluable assets which set them apart from other applicants.
Don’t Just Take it From Us
Put your students and advisees in contact with the students who have done it. EA has a team of returned study abroad alumni who serve as Study Abroad Peer Advisors for EA each year. These students have been through the program selection process, applied, and have studied abroad successfully. Our Alumni Spotlights also showcase some our of 49ers whose international experience had a huge impact on them. These students are a great resource for realistic perspectives on the study abroad experience, and EA encourages students, faculty, and staff to reach out with any questions they may have.