Faculty-Led Programs
Faculty-led programs are a special part of UNC Charlotte Education Abroad’s work. As an increasingly popular study abroad program type, faculty-led programs offer a ton of benefits to UNC Charlotte students, faculty, and staff. Review this page to find out why you should consider getting involved with faculty-led programs.

WHat are faculty-led programs?
Faculty-led programs are overseas academic experiences for UNC Charlotte students, short-term or otherwise, that are designed and administered by UNC Charlotte faculty members, with support from EA. Programs can range from semester-length, to short-term summer programs, or even shorter spring or fall break programs: it’s up to you!
Ready to find out more about faculty-led programs? Enroll in our asynchronous Canvas course, Program Development 101, to review the different types of faculty-led programs and learn about the development process! This is the first step for every faculty member who is interested in leading a program abroad.
benefits of faculty-led programs
Faculty-led programs account for a majority of the students EA sends abroad, and there are (many) good reasons for that!
For Students
EA would love for every student to experience a semester or year abroad, but the reality is that long-term programs just don’t work for every student. By developing a faculty-led program, you help our office offer students flexible alternatives to traditional long-term programs, as well as a plethora of other benefits, such as:
- Affordability compared to long-term programs
- Opportunity to earn UNC Charlotte course credit for major, minor, and gen ed requirements without additional approvals
- Opportunity to immerse themselves in a new discipline, or gain a deeper understanding of their current field
- Additional support for students who are inexperienced travelers
- Ability to work around other commitments including family, work, internships, sports, etc.
For Faculty & Staff
The benefits of study abroad are not just for students! As a faculty director, there are numerous things that you stand to gain by leading programs abroad:
- Futher develop your teaching, research, and leadership skills
- Build stronger connections with students and foster a sense of community
- Incorporate global learning outcomes into your courses
- Enhanced opportunities for curriculum integration
- Contribute to campus internationalization efforts
faculty-led facts & figures
Want a little more detail about faculty-led programs and how they fit into the UNC Charlotte community? Take a look at this interactive infographic for a better sense of who is participating in faculty-led programs!