Study Abroad Applications for Spring Break 2024 are now open!

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The Office of Education Abroad is excited to announce that applications are now open for Spring Break 2024 programs. Niners of all disciplines are invited to explore our options via this link and search tool, which features locations as varied as Singapore and Malaysia, France, Martinique, Egypt, India, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, and so much more.

Niners in Edinburgh on the England and Scotland: Britain’s Layered Past Spring Break program

At UNC Charlotte, Spring Break study abroad opportunities are run as faculty-led programs, which means that a UNC Charlotte professor leads the itinerary and lessons abroad. Niners on these programs earn 3 course credits through experiential learning and cultural immersion in areas of study such as Japanese, Sociology, Dance, Political Science, Marketing, English, Psychology, and Management, among others.

These programs are taught in English (although they also offer a great opportunity to practice a second language), and housing for the duration of the program will be included in the program cost. Faculty-led programs have been a historic favorite among students who may be venturing outside of the country for the first time, or who may not be able to commit to a longer-term program during a full summer or semester.

C’est incroyable! Niners on the France: French Civilization in Paris program during Spring Break 2023

For all program types, the first step toward studying abroad is to complete Study Abroad 101, a free Canvas module that only takes a couple of hours to knock out. Students can complete this module at their own pace, and the course provides answers to commonly asked questions surrounding topics like financial aid and scholarships, program options, course credit, the application and advising processes, and more. Once students have completed Study Abroad 101, they may then meet with an advisor and open an application; the Office of Education Abroad is here to answer questions and support you along the way!